This standard specifies the general terms related to rubber species and their processing technology, equipment and performance in the natural raw rubber profession.
This standard is applicable to the compilation and exchange of technical documents, books and materials related to natural raw rubber.
Properties and Early Preservation of Latex
An elastomer that can or has been modified to be substantially insoluble (but swellable) in boiling solvents such as benzene, methyl ethyl ketone, and an azeotrope of ethanol and toluene.
The modified rubber cannot be easily re-molded when heated and applied moderate pressure.
natural rubber
Rubber processed from latex obtained by cutting and collecting rubber plants such as rubber trees, rubber vines or rubber grass.
Aqueous colloidal dispersions of natural or synthetic rubber.
natural latex
The latex obtained by cutting and collecting rubber plants such as rubber tree, rubber rattan or rubber grass is the raw material for making raw rubber.
field latex
Raw latex flows from the gum producing plants.
preserved latex
A latex treated with a preservative that remains stable for a certain period of time.
raw latex
Uncompounded preservation latex.
latex particle
The general term for rubber particles and non-rubber particles in latex.
rubber particle
Among the latex particles, the interior is composed of many rubber hydrocarbon molecules, and the surface has a layer of protective substances.
non-rubber particle
Among the latex particles, various particles composed of non-rubber substances.
frey-wyssling particle
It is referred to as FW particle for short. Yellow spherical particles present in latex, mainly composed of fat and other lipids, larger in diameter than rubber particles.
yellow body lutoid
Irregularly shaped and yellowish particles present in latex, mainly composed of proteins and lipids, are very viscous.
whey serum
The general term for the remaining substances in latex except rubber particles.
rubber hydrocarbon
Polyisoprene is composed of carbon and hydrogen in natural rubber.
cream yellow fraction
After centrifugation or natural sedimentation of the fresh latex, the lower layer mainly contains yellow latex and FW particles.
milky white fraction
The white latex obtained after separating the fresh latex milky yellow.
non-rubber substance
All other substances in latex except rubber hydrocarbons and water.
rain-diluted latex
Latex diluted by rain during tapping.
late dripping
The rubber tree is the latex that is collected after the first rubber harvesting and continues to unload the rubber.
latex deterioration
The phenomenon of latex odor, flocculation or coagulation caused by microorganisms and enzymes.
natural coagulation
The latex coagulates itself without the addition of destabilizing substances.
early coagulation precoagulation
Due to poor preservation, the fresh latex has coagulated before being transported to the factory for processing.
latex preservation
Measures to maintain a latex in a colloidally stable state.
short term preservation
A measure to keep the latex in a stable state after it has flowed from the gum tree until it is processed in the rubber plant.
field ammoniation
The method of adding the preservative ammonia water to the latex of the rubber collecting barrel, the rubber barrel or the rubber transport tank in the rubber tapping forest section. Synonyms: Ammonia in rubber gardens.
cup ammoniation
The method of adding ammonia water to the latex of the glue cup immediately when tapping.
bucket ammoniation
The method of adding ammonia water to the latex in the rubber collecting barrel when collecting latex in the forest section.
anticoagulant anticoagulant
A chemical agent that can keep fresh latex in a stable state or not easily deteriorated in a short period of time. Synonym: short-term preservative.
composite preservative system
A latex preservation system consisting of two or more preservatives.
supplementary preservative
In the composite preservation system, various preservatives except ammonia.
fixed alkali preservative system
Latex preservation systems containing non-volatile bases such as potassium hydroxide.
chemical stimulation
A measure of treating gum trees with chemicals such as ethephon to increase the yield of latex per cut.
polybag collection
When the rubber tree is tapped, nylon bags are used instead of plastic cups to hold the latex, and after several taps, the method is to return it to the factory for processing in a centralized manner.
latex collecting station
An establishment for the collection, early preservation and transfer of fresh latex and various miscellaneous glues.
latex collecting pail
Tapping workers collect latex buckets in the forest section.
latex collecting bucket
Tapping workers collect latex from the forest section in containers for delivery to the collection station.
latex lorry tank
Tankers designed for transporting latex.
skim latex
The by-product containing about 5% of dry rubber obtained when the latex is concentrated by centrifugation.
skim latex tank
Large container for storing skim.
skim serum
The residual liquid remaining after the rubber is recovered by adding acid to solidify the skim latex.
ammonia content
The weight percent of ammonia in the latex or skim.
A method of removing ammonia contained in latex or skim by physical or chemical methods.
dry rubber content
The dry weight percent of latex or skim-containing acid-gelled rubber.
Post time: May-31-2022